With this clip, I decided to look deeper into the topic of video games. These individuals who are admittedly addicted to the games talk about the reasons they use this particular type of media. They connect with peers, they escape to the world of the game, and some even experience a type of euphoria due to game play. However, they also acknowledge that they choose to engage in the addictive behavior not because of the content of the game, but because of the feeling they get from playing it. This exemplifies the assumption that the audience is active.
These cartoons exemplify the active audience as well. Although they acknowledge that the programming is less than quality and that they can change the channel, they continue to watch because their needs get gratified.

The cartoon is amusing. It would be sufficient if you tell us what needs the characters in the cartoons get gratified by watching television.
I believe the euphoria feeling belongs to emotioanl gratification (affective). I am glad you looked deeper into gratifications people obtain from playing video games, beyong what we talked about in the class.
I think that when people play video games they all do it for Rubin's reasons of passing time, excitement, escape, and enjoyment. However, once you get into the different categories of games people can have even more reasons for use. For example people play online games for social interaction and people can play historical war games for learning about a specific content.
I agree with Andrew especially given the progression of video games. There are so many different types of games out there now to satisfy anyone. For example, there are war games, fighting games, fantasy games, learning games, memory games, etc. They are even coming out with games geared toward weight loss. Given all the types of games, people can choose any game based on whatever need they are trying to satisfy. Like television, people can choose from a wide variety of video games for any need.
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