To show that I am also thinking and working, here is an illustration from me (very original!). I have to remind you that my analysis is not as complete as I expect from you for this assignment. You should follow the sample illustrations.
Do wild geese have "personal space" as humans do? You will know the answer after you watch the video below:
This video clip was taken on the TCNJ campus in the dusk of Jan 18. A good pool of wild geese, usually floating on Lake Sylva, appeared surprisingly on the grassy lawn in front of Paul Loser Hall. When I approached them, they became alert to my "invading" their "personal space" and started to wobble away. I walked closer, intending to feed them. Obviously, my unexpected behavior was not received positively by these geese. Had they learned Expectancy Violations Theory, they would have seen me as a rewarding person, thus positively evaluated my violation.
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